Poetry and the Stillness of LIfe

I awoke early this morning, waiting for the new arrival of our youngest Grandbaby, and my heart was filled with so many emotions.
 Too full for expression even

So I looked over at Ronovan Hester’s site to see if he had posted the prompts for this week for his poetry challenge issued at #RonovanWrites, 
where the charge is given to write #Haiku using his prompts. Sure enough, there were the words for this week: #flow&tear.
Oh, I know these words, I thought, 
as my heart is filled 
with the weariness of the flow of the trial 
on my own path,
and yet I sense the tearing that will come
as I let go of old ways
to find the healing
in the new.
Isn’t that also a picture of 
Labor and Birth? 

“My flesh and my heart fail;
But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”
When we carry our children
with a heart full of love
we find ourselves
carried over the edge,
our hearts lacking enough
to be what’s needed.
We find in the failing
that God is enough
brimming over
with fullness
the flow never ceasing
with Love.

So, again this week, I will try my hand at joining in this #Haiku Challenge. I had to try two, since my heart was stirred in separate ways. Here is my first offering:

Heart and Healing

  Heart will you tear free
River of healing can flow
Strength and Life renew

                                –Bettie Gilbert 

 And the second offering with the little one in mind:

Life is Born
The wee Babe inside
Pushing through sac to tear free
New breath will flow in 
                               –Bettie Gilbert  

“The Lord is my strength and my shield
 my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.

My heart leaps for joy,
    and with my song I praise him.”
Psalm 28:7 NIV 

I am linking this week with:
#TellHisStory, Jennifer Dukes Lee 


20 thoughts on “Poetry and the Stillness of LIfe

  1. Dear Bettie, I'm not surprised to hear how you heart is full of such mixed emotions! Waiting for a new life to be birthed is a time of anxious and excited anticipation for all involved, incorporating a flowing and tearing (even if that's just the tears!) as room is made for a newborn babe's entry into the world.
    And how beautifully apt your haiku are! These occasions tend to lend themselves well to poetic expression. Though I love both haiku, I think my heart was touched most by the first one here, mainly because it reflects some of my own journey with chronic illness. That “river of healing” does require a degree of rending and making space to flow freely, a recognition of the way God takes, breaks and remakes us. You capture so much in so few words. Thank you, lovely writer/poet friend! Blessed as always by your words. xoxo


  2. Oh, how beautiful! The part that resonated most with me right now was this, “I let go of old ways to find the healing in the new.” Wow! That is so powerful to me. I was JUST praying, seeking God so earnestly for clarification of some things in our lives, and then He led me here to your post. Thank you, sweet friend. Your pain is not wasted…for it is out of your pain that such wisdom and encouragement flows. God bless you.


  3. Dear Joy,
    I am so humbled that you would be blessed by these simple offerings. God is indeed a Graceful Giver! Thank you for the encouragement that you always bring to me. And, I am so thankful for the understanding that you bring to this journey we both travel. I want to give HIM more access to my heart, even when that means the breaking and remaking of me! But I am seeing that it is a process, and I cannot hurry the work that God is doing. Just as in the Labor & Delivery process! Blessings and Hugs to you, dear friend! xoxo


  4. Dear Cheryl,
    Oh how encouraged I am that God would encourage you through these words here. Isn't He so good to connect our moments and days to point us in HIS direction? I am so thankful that God uses every drop of what we go through–as you say it is not wasted when we give it all back to Him. Blessings to you! xoxo


  5. Bettie,
    How exciting about a new grand baby! Is the little one here yet?

    I love how your thoughts gravitated to the process of new life and you let your feelings carry you to those beautifully worded haikus. I admire your creativity! And they are both reflected in the verses you shared beneath them. Joining you in welcoming that new baby into the world – -what a lucky one he or she is to have you as a loving grandmother! xoxo


  6. I love both the haikus, Bettie. Also your other thoughts about the weariness of the flow of the trial and the tearing that will come as we break with the old ways to find healing in the new. Also how the flowing of the love of God is always enough in our failings. Thank you for these hope-filled thoughts!

    I hope all goes well in the birth of your grandchild! Hopefully he/she has arrived by now? Love and hugs!


  7. Dear Bettie, I love both the haiku! I didn't realize you, too, were getting a new grandbaby! You captured emotions so well in your introductory remarks and your haiku. And the scriptures you used were encouraging to me tonight. The first one because I've been really sick and am just coming out of it. The second one because of the joy of my new granddaughter, whom I haven't seen yet!!! Have to get well first. Blessings to you dear sweet poet/sister/friend! xo


  8. Dear Valerie,
    Oh, that Little One is still waiting to introduce herself! 🙂 Thank you for your sweet words! I am grateful that God finds so many ways to bring His Creativity into each of our hearts! Blessings to you! xoxo


  9. Dear Trudy, Thank you for your kind and encouraging thoughts! That sweet little one is still waiting to show herself. 🙂 I am glad that you were blessed with these words that the Lord spoke to me also. How good He is to meet us in our failings! Most of the time I find myself not wanting that tearing away from the old. But then He meets me there too! He is in the New, healing our hearts, isn't He? Love and Hugs to you too!


  10. Dear Gayl, Yes, we are still waiting for this newest Grandbaby–anytime now 🙂 Oh, I am so sorry that you've been sick, and have had to wait to meet your newest little one! I will pray that you can get well and see her soon. Thank you for encouraging me to continue with this poetry challenge. I am so grateful for the things that God is revealing to me through it! Blessings to you dear sister!! xoxo


  11. Bettie, you inspire and challenge me. I used to write poetry when I was in college when my young heart was fresh and raw. I love how brief word-painted images can capture a mood.
    Congratulations on your new Grandbaby. Prayers for a safe and easy arrival. I'm expecting one in May out your way in Wisconsin. I'm so thankful God brought us together. May God bless you richly, my friend!


  12. Dear Debbie, Isn't God so good to help us inspire and challenge each other? You have done the same for me! How exciting that your Wisconsin family will be bringing in another new Grandbaby for you. Wouldn't it be great if someday our physical paths could meet up, in the same way that our digital paths have connected? Thank you so much for your prayers, as I will pray for your new little one also! Blessings and Hugs to you, my friend, also!


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