Golden Dew

It was only for a few minutes.
I should have been ok
for a little garden work.
But I had pushed
my limits
beyond the boundaries.
And I collapsed on the chair, willing the tears away as I closed my eyes.
Into the haze there whispered a voice I recognized so well, asking me to open my eyes and look around me.  I saw the dew drops sparkling white all around me. 
Yes, I know. I see the beauty. What is it that you are asking of me Lord?
And then, I saw a strange sparkling, different than the rest. For a full minute, one of the drops of dew sparkled golden, gleaming and beaming straight at me. And a hope rose in my heart, in spite of the pain.  I remembered all the words. I remembered my Lord’s promises. . . .
“More precious than gold” 
“Of greater worth than gold”
You might say it was just the angle of my head, or the glint through the haze.  I know the reasons. But I also know the ways of ONE so glorious that He tilts the earth,
and spins the clouds, and raises the dew,
for the eyes of His Beloved,
so that we would look up
and catch HIS gaze
calling us closer to His heart.

 “The decrees of the Lord are firm,
    and all of them are righteous. They are more precious than gold,
    than much pure gold;
they are sweeter than honey,
    than honey from the honeycomb.”

Golden Dew
How Long, Oh Lord?
The pain wraps around me
And I am felled
Like a tree toppled, thudding
As it drops to the ground.


The questions swirl
Heavenward, in the morning
Dew, light swimming
Around my foggy eyes
As they narrow and shut.
“Open your eyes.”
The order comes at me
Like a voice from
The sky, and I scrunch
The sweat off my face
As I try to gaze out.
While the pain throbs
I see what had lain
Hidden before me:
Sparkles gathered on
Every blade of grass
And each leaf tip.
Colors shimmering
White and bright, twinkle
From the warm sun’s
Beckoning to waken
The early morning life.
“But one drop.”
Voice urges again

To see with new eyes
A Drop of Glory catches
The sun but won’t let go
And reflects a Golden ray.
My pain remains
Underneath a covering
So sweet and exploding with
Glory in my heart
As I have touched Heaven.
How Long, Oh Lord?
While the Glory remains
Your Golden Glory rests
Inside my heart, Heaven
Holds me here.
And I am loved.


“In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.”

Is there a pain gripping you today?
Have you fallen in shame as you pushed the boundaries?
There is a Golden Glory
shining for you to see
A grace given just for you
And a love poured out 
To lift your eyes
And catch a glimpse
Of Heaven’s Love
Waiting for you. 

28 thoughts on “Golden Dew

  1. Oh, Bettie, this is beautiful! So tired and in pain and you see the sparkles of dew reflecting the sun. What a lovely reminder of God's glory! Yes, I've pushed the boundaries, too, and even now I'm dealing with neck and shoulders aches and tightness. I usually have it, but it's been worse the past few days. Reading your beautiful post gives me joy and reminds me He is with me.

    Many blessings and much love to you, dear sister! xoxo


  2. Oh, those gardens! We love them so and they get us into trouble! I've been in the same boat lately, Bettie, but I had never thought to fashion words around the lesson. Blessings to you, my friend!


  3. Dear Gayl,
    Thank you for your sweet words my friend! I am glad that the Lord brought joy to you here today. It's so hard not to push ourselves beyond those boundaries,isn't it? I will pray that He brings rest to your neck and shoulders, I remember how you said that you carry so much tension there. May the Lord bring much blessing to you also! Love and Hugs my dear sister! xoxo


  4. Dear Michele,
    Oh yes, I like what you've said about our gardens! They do get us into trouble, even though we love them! I will pray for you, as I pray for myself, to listen for those nudgings when “enough” is spoken! Blessings to you also, my friend!


  5. Sometimes it seems the activities that relax our emotions and breathe energy into our fainting hearts can at the same time tax our bodies too much. It's so hard to have to do less or have to stop at what gives us pleasure, isn't it, Bettie? It's so precious that God gave you such a special message in a dewdrop turned golden. Thank you so much for sharing and for your beautiful poem of encouragement and hope. Love and hugs to you!


  6. Dear Trudy,
    Thank you for your words of encouragement, because I know you understand the limitations that come upon us during these slowed-down seasons. It is so hard to find that balance, to stay active but yet on such a smaller scale. I am most thankful on those days that I listen for the nudgings of my Lord who knows what the balance really needs to be. Isn't He so good to send His gifts of beauty and love in the midst of our hard times? Praying for gifts for you today also, my friend! Love and hugs to you!


  7. Thank you for your kindness, Victor! But I am so thankful for the blessings that your writings bring, and the hope & joy that you convey. I have been enjoying “Father Ignatius” and his big heart of caring!


  8. Oh, sweet friend! I am SO sorry you are feeling so bad…my heart just goes out to you so much. The beautiful gift of the golden glisten was just a precious thing to read about! God sent you that little special gift as a reminder of His great love for you. I hate to think of your suffering, but it is truly remarkable how God uses it to inspire such wonderful encouragement through your poetry and writing. Sending much love and gratitude to you today!


  9. Dear Carol,
    Thank you for your kind words. I am so glad that you were uplifted here. Isn't our Lord so good to bring encouragement to us? He is what we need! Blessings to you!


  10. Dear Cheryl,
    Oh thank you so much for your sweet heart and prayers! You are a great encouragement to me also. I pray that the Lord will keep us both looking up to Him for all that we need to keep walking with Him. He is present with us through the hard and the good both. What a precious Lord we have! Love and Hugs to you, dear friend!


  11. Dear Tiffany,
    Thank you for your sweet words. Isn't the Goodness of our God so amazing? To think that He meets us in our small moments is truly a gift. Blessings to you!


  12. This is so beautiful.

    I've got so far behind reading my emails due to my health causing many days of non-motivation. Who new I was missing this beautiful piece of encouragement. I may need to borrow this for my series. (Whenever I get back to it.)

    Lots of love


  13. I am so sorry for your set-back lately, Mandy! I will keep you and your husband in my prayers. I am so thankful that you found encouragement here. And, yes, please feel free to link back to anything here that you find helpful for your series. I have been so blessed by your devotions.


  14. Bettie,
    I wonder about that very thing sometimes — is it just how I'm seeing something and interpreting it as God's whispers to me or is it just an ordinary, regular everyday thing I'm assigning divine attributes to? And although I can't know for sure, I tend to see things like you do and that gives me hope too! Here's to seeing God everywhere, because he's there for those of us who are looking for him! xo


  15. Dear Valerie,
    I am so glad that you have a kindred heart for seeing God everywhere! I know that your words have blessed me so often when you have shared some glimpse in your day. He is so good to find ways to bring HOPE to us, isn't He? Blessings to you, my friend! xo


  16. BettieG… I am so sorry it wasn't a good day and that your body wasn't cooperating, but wow what a beautiful post and a new God perspective… I like how He changes the angles for us when we need it. Blessings and
    Thanks for linking up with #TuneInThursday


  17. Dear Debbie,
    Yes, isn't our Lord so good to us–the way that He lifts us and shows us His perspective? Thanks for the link-up that you continue to open up for all of us! Blessings to you!


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