Where is Hope?

When you take a break from something, do you ever have a hard time rejoining that activity? I have so missed being able to join in with the Haiku Poetry Challenge offered by Ronovan Hester over at his site, Ronovan Writes. 
So when his words for this week’s prompt showed up in my inbox yesterday, “Hope&Stay,” I thought I would jump right in: those words are just my style!

But the weariness of a full weekend caught up with me, and the words were nowhere to be found. In fact, the ENERGY was nowhere to be found either.  So once again, I paid attention to my “inner voice” and let the waves of weariness wash their way to the shore.
All the better for the listening,
because our heart
speaks more clearly
than our minds ever could. 

The mind needs time and rest
to catch up to what
the heart already knows.

 Arms of Hope

If weary I fall

Strong arms securely stay me

God, my hope restores

Jesus, My True Hope

My hope is secure

Not in my own strength resides 

On Jesus I stay.

 (Thank you Mariah Hanson for this original photo!)
Are you watching the waves now?
Is there a washing of the heart
flooding over you too?
I pray this song by Matt Maher will bless you
as it has blessed me:
 “Yes, my soul, find rest in God;
    my hope comes from him.”
I am linking this week with:

16 thoughts on “Where is Hope?

  1. Bettie – Such a beautiful poem! I'm so glad you took the time to listen to you “inner voice”!!! I'm so blessed by your haiku. Thanks for sharing, we're neighbors today at #TeaAndWord linkup.


  2. Dear Debbie,
    Yes, isn't our “Inner Voice” such a sweet gift from Jesus–His own dear Holy Spirit. I am learning to lean into that voice in ever deeper measures. What fun to be your neighbor over at Meg's this week again! Blessings to you!


  3. Oh, your words! “The mind needs time and rest to catch up to what the heart already knows.” And, this song…all of it just resonated with me today. I know now why it took me so long to make my way here after seeing your sweet post in my inbox. Love and appreciate you and your precious encouragement, my friend!


  4. Dear Cheryl,
    Isn't our Lord so amazing, to bring us to just the right places where He meets with us? I am so grateful for His guidance, and the gift of being able to share that with you. Your words have brought such comfort to me also, just when I needed them! May we keep our hearts ever open to find His Hope in our days! Hugs and Love to you!


  5. Bettie, it's so hard to just wait and let the weariness wash over us, but when we do, the strength will finally come and so will the words. Yes, Jesus is my hope and stay. I love your haiku – so full of truth!

    Blessings to you my dear sister! xoxo


  6. Dear Gayl,
    Oh I am glad you understand how hard it is to rest in the middle of those weariness waves! But you are right, that Jesus does restore us with His Strength and Presence right there! Thank you for your encouragement and kind words! Blessings to you also dear poet/sister/friend! xoxo


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