Who Goes Between?

Has your heart been stirred with a longing to help those who are far away and in such heavy need?
 Maybe it’s the heartbreaking news coming in from the Texas flooding?
Or maybe it’s the concern over those you love who are in difficult places? 

One morning recently, I was overcome by the beauty of the Morning Glories climbing over the bench in our front yard.  As I reviewed all of my photos where I had tried to capture what I felt there, I was disappointed when I saw my shadow smack-dab in the middle of the bench! How could I have missed that?  

But then the Lord opened my eyes to realize that HE had given me a beautiful picture to illustrate the Scripture that had been dwelling in my heart all day.

“May the Lord keep watch between you and me when we are away from each other.”  Genesis 31:49
Many have spent beautiful times of fellowship on this very bench:  
my grandchildren and I 
my husband and I
my friends and I
my Mom and I
even my Mom and my Vietnamese daughter-in-law’s Mom
I am missing so many of them now.
Oh, yes, I know that my prayers are vital for those I love. But I have so many things I wish I could say, ways I wish I could actually touch each one.  How do we handle that absence? How do we deal with the void we feel when we are separated?

In my searching, I found these thoughts in Matthew Henry’s Commentary on Genesis 31:49:

Friends at a distance from each other may take the comfort of this, that when they cannot know or succour one another God watches between them, and has his eye on them both.”

And what of the beautiful story of friendship that is shown between Jonathan and David? 

  Jonathan said to David, “Go in peace, for we have sworn friendship with each other in the name of the Lord, saying, ‘The Lord is witness between you and me, and between your descendants and my descendants forever.’” Then David left, and Jonathan went back to the town.1 Samuel 20:42

These thoughts again, from Matthew Henry’s Commentary found a home within my heart:

 “They referred themselves to the covenant of friendship that was between them, both of them comforting themselves with this in this mournful separation: ‘We have sworn both of us in the name of the Lord, for ourselves and our heirs, that we and they will be faithful and kind to each other from generation to generation.’ Thus, while we are at home in the body and absent from the Lord, this is our comfort, that he has made with us an everlasting covenant.”

What will I do with the longings when I want to be with those I love? How can I carry the weights of longing to make things better for those who are in difficulty?
Ah, there is the point of JOY 
coming as I trust. 

In the invisible places,
I see a shadow 
going between.
The Lord dwells
Where I can only long to go.
The Lord blesses
When I can only envision grief.
Every Friendship
Every Relationship
Every Love 
When I call HIM into the center
Will be covered by HIS Shadow.

Here is the link to another Faith Blogger who actually is living through the Texas Flooding now, and shares ways to currently help:
And, I am excited to be a collaborator with another sweet Faith Blogger as she has opened a Facebook page to answer questions about what Fibromyalgia really is. If you have ever wondered how to explain Fibro, or even what it feels like, please visit her page for some great information that she has pulled together:
I am linking this week with these great sites:

22 thoughts on “Who Goes Between?

  1. What a beautiful post, Bettie! What a beautiful verse this is “May the Lord keep watch between you and me when we are away from each other.” Genesis 31:49″. Thank you for putting it together in such a way to see it in a whole new light!
    Cindy from Go – Gather – Grow


  2. Hi Cindy,
    Yes, isn't that such a fantastic verse from the Lord concerning our loved ones? I'm thankful that you found encouragement here today! Blessings to you!


  3. I just came back from visiting your site–wonderful post that you wrote about Genesis this week, neighbor! Isn't God good when He confirms His Word like that? He surely does speak so gently to each of us, leading us deeper into His heart. Blessings to you!


  4. I have a lot of friends who have moved away and I myself moved away from my home many years ago. this is a beautiful comforting reminder that God is present with us no matter how much physical distance is between people who love each other.


  5. Hi Karen,
    Yes, it seems that more and more of my friends are scattered around the country, and the world even. It is so comforting to know that God is present with us isn't it? Thank you for stopping by with your lovely thoughts! Blessings to you!


  6. “HE WATCHES BETWEEN YOU AND ME” Bettie, so much comfort in your words here all through your post. He goes where we can't and He watches over us and our loved ones.

    Much love and hugs to you! xoxo Blessings!


  7. Dear Gayl,
    Yes, I was so thankful for the comfort that He brought to me this week, as I thought about Him watching over us and our loved ones! It can seem that our hands our tied, and that we can't do anything to help or be with them when they are so far away, but HE is that bridge even in our loving. Much love and hugs and blessings to you also my friend! xoxo


  8. Friendships could be between people who know each other and have met; or between people who have never physically met, like fellow Bloggers living far away. What unites us is prayers for each other.

    Praying for you. God bless.


  9. Oh yes, it is those prayers that bring us together in Him, isn't it? What a blessing the Lord brings to us that way! Thank you for your prayers, and may the Lord bless you too!


  10. Oh, what a wonderful analogy, sweet friend! I love the part you brought out about your shadow being between you and the bench and how God is watching over us all. I miss so many dear loved ones, too…some have gone on to Glory, some are in such a stage of life that there is hardly any relationship left. It is amazing how the grieving process starts long before a person dies sometimes. Thank you for this sweet post. 🙂


  11. Dear Cheryl,
    Oh, my friend, I understand what you mean about the grieving process beginning before a person is gone sometimes. I wonder if God allows us more preparation times for certain relationships? He would show us how He is watching over us even then! I am grateful that He does find ways to comfort us in ALL our longings and troubles. Blessings and hugs to you my friend!


  12. Thanks, Barbara! I am always so thankful when the Lord slows me down enough to really see the ways that HE provides for us to be blessed by His Presence. May you be blessed today!


  13. I love your photo and what God taught you through it, Bettie. This part of your poem especially brings tears to my eyes:
    “Every Friendship
    Every Relationship
    Every Love
    When I call HIM into the center
    Will be covered by HIS Shadow.”
    Thank you for encouraging my heart! Blessings and hugs!


  14. Dear Trudy,
    I am so blessed that you were encouraged here, my friend! It's so good to hear your voice again–He has been in the places of our resting, hasn't He? He truly covers all with His Shadow, when we invite Him in. May you be strengthened and blessed today! Hugs and Love! Xoxo


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