A Hiding Place

It was late in the day before I could flip the calendar for that day’s Scripture. But when I saw the verse, my heart felt a sweet stirring from the Lord as I realized that only God could have brought about such perfect timing:



Psalm 32:7


Six years ago this week our oldest Grandson was born.  And this is the very verse that the Lord gave me to pray over his life.  Pre-RA, I was so blessed to babysit little Samuel during the early months of his life.  Unlike some babies who prefer loud noises, such as the white noise of a vacuum running, he preferred a quiet and still place to sleep.  So, on the day that I saw the tree-trimmers headed towards the tree next to his window, I knew we were in for trouble!  Of course he woke up screaming, and refused to be comforted, no matter what I did for him.  We finally ended up in the bathroom with the door shut, and as I held him tight, I heard myself singing the latest worship song that we had sung just that past Sunday at my church.  And little Samuel snuggled in close and sighed with contentment as long as I kept singing.


That song became our favorite–I even made a “Grandma’s Special Video” when he was only 3 months old, as he gurgled and hummed along with me.  I sang it to him and to his little cousin, Raya, born just 6 weeks after him. This verse from Psalm 32 became the verse that God asked me to pray over both of them. Just this last week, Raya and her family made the move to Guyana (find their story here,) and the verse became even more special to me.  So, as I saw the words on my flip calendar, I found myself singing the song that is so precious to my spirit:



And I must thank Brenda Bradford Ottinger for her words last week at Chasing Community (read her post here,) where she wrote about being rocked so close by our Heavenly Father. I know the Lord used her picture to stir my own memories with little Samuel and Raya!


As my heart was so full with beautiful thoughts about the safety of hiding in Jesus, I checked my Facebook newsfeed, scrolling through family and friends’ updates. And then my eyes fell on the post that I had known would be coming soon. Nonetheless, my eyes filled with tears as I read that my friend, Sue, had finally crossed into the joy and eternity of peace with Jesus. Over the last few years ALS had taken a toll on her body, but her spirit had found a joy and freedom that she had not known throughout the rest of her life.  Anyone who ever read her posts came away blessed by her honest expressions of finding the Grace of God in the most difficult of days.  God gave her strength to type out her words about the life that only Jesus could bring right up to the last month of her life here.


And she taught us all what it means to run to God to find a true hiding place.  Running to His safety doesn’t mean that we will escape all trouble. In fact the troubles may grow worse all around us.  But there is a safety of heart that only Jesus can bring. There is a hiding place where intimacy with Him lifts our spirits into a union with Him that we never could have dreamed.


In the same way that little Samuel snuggled in closer the more he heard the song, Jesus calls us to snuggle in closer to Him the more that we hear His songs that He sings over us.


On these noisy nights when the pain flares keep me loud awake, if I listen closely, I can hear Jesus singing to my heart, calling me to come and rest with Him.  In these days that are dark with worry and fear, Jesus hasn’t stopped calling us to Himself.  We don’t have to wait for the noise to cease before we turn our faces to Him.


We just have to snuggle in closer and sigh with contentment as His voice stills our souls.


Dear Jesus, we are weary, and yes, we confess that the noise of this world scares us some days. The chaos that we hear screams out a chant of worry all around us. But Lord, thank You that the noise is not where You have asked us to fix our gaze. No, Your face is looking down on us, and Your song is the one sweet sound to our ears. Will you help us to snuggle in and find the peace that is only Yours to give?  And will you send Your comfort to our aching hearts? We need You, and we are glad that Your Grace is big enough to carry us all.  In Your Precious Name we rest, Amen.



This post is written in memory of my sweet friend, Sue Nash Maksim.  She has fought the good fight, and her Lord is speaking “Well done my faithful servant,” even now.



I am linking this week with: 








32 thoughts on “A Hiding Place

  1. You have me weeping again. Oh what love our Father pours out upon us all. And your precious friend just epitomizes the truth of the Gospel – He perfects His power in our weakness. No, we don’t have to be strong. He is there to be our Strength through this hard, hard life. I am praying for her family and for you. Sending you hugs from afar.

    Thank you so much for sharing about Samuel and Raya. Somehow picturing you rocking little Samuel as you sang to Him helps me to feel the love of our Father for us all. He wants to rock us in His arms and sing over us too. May we surrender ourselves into His loving arms. Thank you so much for encouraging us through your own loss, Bettie.

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    1. Thank you dear Anna for all of your prayers and love. Yes, my friend Sue surely pointed us to the beauty of God’s grace in the middle of the very hard places. He was her daily strength. And I am so thankful that God sent that Scripture to me this week, just in time for Samuel’s Birthday, and Raya & her family’s moving to Guyana. It was such a powerful object lesson that He gave to me that day, singing that song of being so safe in Him. He made sure that it would be etched on my heart through all the years! But only God could have planned for me to also see that verse right before I found out about my friend’s home-going. He truly is our Father, bringing His comfort and strength, even in the loss. Love and Hugs to you my friend! xo


    1. Oh yes, He is that perfect Hiding Place! I am so grateful that He etched that memory so strongly on my heart that day! The tears ran down my face then when I realized the beauty of the object lesson He was working for Samuel, and He is still working it deeper in my own heart now. Blessings to you!

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    1. Thank you Boma, I appreciate your prayers so much. And, yes you are so right! The only hiding place where we are truly safe is in the arms of our Father. He is so good to us! Blessings to you this week!


    1. I’m so thankful that you found encouragement here today! Oh, yes, those days with young ones can feel so chaotic, can’t they? What a precious Lord we have Who offers us His peace as we hide in Him within the midst of it all. Blessings and prayers for you today!

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    1. Thank you Leslie. Yes, Sue was such a special friend and gift to so many, as she willingly shared the blessings that God brought to her heart. Thank you for your sweet comments. And, yes, please come visit here often! 🙂 Blessings to you!


  2. I’m so sorry about the loss of your friend, Bettie. Even though it may be a comfort she is now above all pain and sorrow, it still is so hard. May God give you strength and comfort! The picture you paint here and the song bring tears to my eyes. Also how God reminded you of that verse in His perfect timing. As you lovingly and tenderly gave your grandchild a safe place where he could rest in peace from all the disturbance, so God gives it to us. Oh, how that comforts my heart as I think of Him snuggling us close and singing His songs of deliverance to our hearts! Thank you so much for breathing hope into my heart today with this Truth! Love and hugs to you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Trudy,
      Thank you so much for your prayers and support! I am so thankful and encouraged that you were comforted today. Jesus is so good to send us His Word and the sweet memories at just the right time. He knew how it would all weave together. It’s really amazing though, because I can remember that day and how strong the Lord was in that moment. I could almost hear Him say, “hold onto this. It’s going to be important later.” And He has brought it back to me many times, as I’ve prayed over our grandchildren. But then for Him to use it so personally, now, is such a beautiful gift isn’t it? You are in my prayers today, dear friend! May He keep breathing His hope deeply into your heart! Love and hugs to you too!

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  3. Oh, Bettie, what a beautiful post! “Running to His safety doesn’t mean that we will escape all trouble. In fact the troubles may grow worse all around us. But there is a safety of heart that only Jesus can bring.” I know this so well. He gives a peace that no one else can. He truly is our hiding place. We had a dear friend pass away years ago of ALS. We named our third daughter after her. Before she died we took our daughter to see her. She was on a respirator by then but she seemed to smile and acknowledge us. May God give you comfort during this time of grief. Love and blessings and hugs to you, dear sister! xoxo I had never heard the song you shared. It was beautiful. Have you ever heard the song “You Are My Hiding Place?” Here is a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dR0H0tAYT8

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    1. Dear Gayl,
      Oh thank you for the sweet thoughts that you have shared here! Yes, I do love that version of “The Hiding Place.” I remember it from the movie about Corrie Ten Boom, and what an encouragement it has been also. I am so sorry for the loss of your dear friend. What a special tribute to her, to be able to name your daughter after her! My friend lived on the East Coast, but I am so glad for Facebook that helped us to reconnect several years ago. Last fall I had hoped for her to be able to share a part of her story here, but that wasn’t in God’s planning. I am so thankful, though, that her testimony of God’s great faithfulness is being shared now. The Lord holds all of our days in HIS hands, and brings His peace to us. Love and Blessings and Hugs to you too my friend! xoxo

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  4. I’m happy when believers leave true legacy of their faith.
    May we find strenght to always snuggle closer to God whether or not times are hard, May God always show us the way to Him at every turn and season of life.
    Well written dear friend.
    Keep pressing on. A brighter day awaits us.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Dear Ifeoma, Thank you so much for your beautiful encouragement dear friend! I am so grateful for the ways that you point us all to hold onto Him throughout “every turn and season of life.” His ways are so much higher than ours, and yet He calls us each to snuggle in with Him. What a miracle. Many blessings, love and hugs to you! xoxo


  5. The image of snuggling in close brings such comfort to me. Now that my earthly father has passed, I am learning the beauty of love that only comes from our Heavenly Father. Knowing that we have this safe place to run and spend time with the Father, keeps me sighing with contentment. Thank you for introducing me to a new song. I loved it!

    I’m praying for you and your friend’s family as you grieve and rejoice all at the same time. Love you friend!

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    1. Dear Mary, Oh, how precious of the Lord to be taking you deeper into His Father-Heart! He swallows up all of our discontentment, when we rest in His arms, doesn’t He? I am so glad that you liked this song, Mary; it truly is a favorite! And I appreciate your prayers for my friend’s family as well. It is so hard to carry that grieving and rejoicing all at the same time, but I am grateful that our Jesus knows how to keep us safe even there. Blessings love and hugs to you too my friend!


  6. So the year was somewhere between 2004 and 2007; one of my kids was “on tour” drugs, alcohol, denial, PTSD – the whole horrible thing. The song You Are My Hiding Place by Selah was popular and I played it on repeat. In the car, at home, everywhere. I carried the cd with me and it went where I went. I had the scripture written out on a sticky note and stuck to the dash of my little white Subaru wagon. I lived, breathed, that truth. And, I hid in HIM for years. Our story has a happy ending but that was a season in my life that felt dark and hard for a very long time. I continuously cried out to our God of mercy with pleadings and groans only known by Holy Spirit. He is the safest place to hide. I love Him so. xo

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    1. Oh Susan, I love this testimony! Only God can reach into those dark places and soften hard hearts! And only God can keep us Mamas on our knees before Him when our strength runs out too. I love the way that He gave you that verse to hold onto, and hid you in the very words and music of HIM! I keep running back to that hiding place now, even as I feel the burdens for others too. He is such a good, good Father. Thank you so much for sharing this here. I am so blessed and encouraged! Love & Hugs! xoxo


  7. Bettie so sorry for the loss of your friend. It’s a horrible disease. I have lost two friends already with it, and another can no longer walk or talk.

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    1. Thank you so much for your sweet words! I am sorry that you have lost friends, and have another suffering with this disease. It is so cruel the way that it seems to steal away so much! But yet, I am so thankful that God would not let the enemy steal away my friend’s heart after all! Our Lord has the final say! I will keep your friend in my prayers.


  8. Dear Bettie, I am so sorry for your loss. It’s so hard to let our friends go, isn’t it? Even when they have struggled much and we know they will be in a better place. Your words here gave me pause for thought: “if I listen closely, I can hear Jesus singing to my heart, calling me to come and rest with Him” because the “if” struck me as conditional on being able to hear Jesus calling us in this way. And I confess that recent busyness has eaten into my resting/listening time a lot, making it more needful than before. We really do require the soul hiding place we find in God, don’t we? I appreciate the reminder from Psalm 32. Thank you for also encouraging me as a grandma to continue to sing over our grandson, who can now sing songs (grandpa’s happy birthday serenade) back to us! Blessings, love and hugs! xoxo

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    1. Dear Joy, Yes, it is so hard to say goodbye to these friends who have gone before us, even though I am rejoicing that she is with Jesus and fully healed now! And, I am so grateful that He continues to call us, even when the busyness of the day seems to drown out every other sound. He is so good and so persistent, isn’t He? Even in our overwhelm, He continues to long for that fellowship with us, and to show us how safe we really are in Him! And, what a blessing we have been given, to have these little grandboys with their joyful hearts! How sweet that must have been to hear him singing back to you now! May I continue to remember to sing those songs over their hearts also, as I lift up prayers to Him on their behalf. Blessings love and hugs to you, my dear friend! 🙂 xoxo

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    1. And thank you, Tara, for your tender words also, as you have so recently lost such a dear friend. May the Lord continue to bring His healing balm. Blessings and Love to you!


  9. Oh, so precious to dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty! He is surely my hiding place…the One I run to so many times throughout the day. How do people try to navigate through this troubled world without Him? Praise God for our hiding place!! I l hadn’t heard this song, so thank you so much for sharing it, sweet friend. 🙂 Praying for you.

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    1. Dear Cheryl, Thank you so much for your prayers, my dear friend! I feel the same way that you do–I cannot imagine trying to navigate my way through these days without the help of my dear Jesus. He does offer such a beautiful place to abide with Him. I am glad that I could share with you a new song here. It has been a huge blessing to me! May the Lord bless you and keep you! Love and Hugs!


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