Questions & Answers, Poetry Prompt


“A Wisdom Higher”

what can I say when

questions cover the pain and

answers elude me


who carries me then

over roads marred by shame with

questions not answered


a wisdom higher

answers dark with shining as

my questions unfurl


His mercy answers

speaks a question to my heart

will you come with me






Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort. 2 Corinthians 1:3 NIV



(Photo created on Youversion Bible app)

It is because of the Lord’s mercy and loving-kindness that we are not consumed, because His [tender] compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great and abundant is Your stability and faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23 Amplified Version




As I face more questions myself, the love of Jesus continues to beckon me, continues to touch that child-like place in my heart. His compassions never fail.





These words were written from a quiet place, in response to prompts at Ronovan Hester’s site Ronovan Hester writes for his #Haiku challenge, where the prompts this week were #question&answer.  Have a look and maybe you will want to join in also. The discipline of stilling your thoughts and condensing your words might surprise you with the truth hiding in plain sight!


I am linking with:






29 thoughts on “Questions & Answers, Poetry Prompt

  1. Such a beautiful poem, Bettie, written from a place of pain and yet hope and trust in your Lord and Savior. Blessings, love and hugs to you! xoxo I might try to write something for the prompts this week. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Dear Gayl,
      Thank you for the sweet support and encouragement you bring to me. Thank you for allowing me to share with you, and to know that you will pray over the pain that I bear. He does bring us His hope right there in the midst of the sharing! I look forward to seeing your post! I am glad that we can be poet/sisters/friends! Love and Hugs! xoxo

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Dear Ifeoma,
      Oh thank you for bringing such encouragement as you also share your story and words from Him! And yes, that verse from Lamentations is becoming even more important to me as I am clinging to HIS compassions. Blessings, love and hugs to you my Dear Sister!


  2. Oh, what a beautiful poem, Bettie! You write from such a deep, dark place of adversity and pain, but the shining light of Christ is clearly evident in every word. I especially love these lines:

    “a wisdom higher
    answers dark with shining as
    my questions unfurl”

    May we rest in that wisdom, which never disregards our aching bodies or hearts, our pain or shame, but gently steers us back into the ever-widening circle of His light and love again. It’s been several months since I was able to join in the haiku challenge. Your lovely poem has whet my appetite to begin again some day. Thank you for always being such a sweet source of inspiration for me. Blessings, love and hugs! xoxo

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Dear Joy,
      Yes, I am so thankful that God opened the way for me to share in the haiku challenge again, as it’s been so long for me also! I do miss those times when we could share that together. But isn’t God so good, to keep allowing us to share in His own pathway, still? I am in awe of the ways that He calls us to share our words with each other, and then to find that our paths overlap in so many ways. He weaves even the encouragement through those painful days for His Glory. I am so grateful we can pray for each other Dear Friend! Blessings, love, and hugs to you also! xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  3. This is so beautiful, Bettie. It touches me deeply. Especially your poem where God answers your questions with His mercy and a question – “Will you come with Me?” My heart is still pondering the depth of meaning in such a question. I’m so sorry for all your pain. It can be so hard to give up our questions and enter into His leading wherever it may take us. I thank God for His never-ending love and compassion that keeps strengthening us for the next step. Love, blessings, and peace-filled days and nights in the midst of all your struggles!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Trudy,
      Yes, that pondering still sits with me today, also, as the questions continue to meet with only the answer of HIMSELF. But what a precious answer, for as you said so beautifully: “His never-ending love and compassion that keeps strengthening us for the next step” is such a blessing. Thank you for your precious prayer and encouragement Dear Friend! May you be blessed on this day also! xo

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Such a precious beautiful cry from your heart, sweet friend. Oh, I love reading your words! And, that is such a neat picture, too. It reminds me of the steep climb you continually have ahead of you with your chronic afflictions and how you keep pressing onward, in spite of all. I love your beautiful new headshot photo, too. The love of Jesus shines through you so sweetly, even though your pain is so hard to bear. Sending much love and many hugs to you today.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Dear Cheryl,
      Thank you so much for your beautiful comments here today. Your words are such an encouragement! For you see, the new headshot was in obedience to the Lord, as He asked me to be real with how I look now. And where all I could see was the effect that disease has had on me, the Lord let you see His love there. I am in tears now, to think of Jesus resting so near through all of these hard days. Thank you sweet friend for the blessing you have brought to me today. May He bless you now with that same comfort! Love and hugs to you!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Dear Bettie, so beautiful, so deeply beautiful! You capture the raw emotions of our hearts when our prayers go unanswered, our pain does not subside. His only answer – a question “will you come with me”. So pure, simple and brilliant. Thank you for using your talents as a writer to capture the reality of life and the even greater reality of Jesus by our side in this life. God bless you, dear sister!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Melissa,
      Thank you so much for your sweet and loving encouragement today! I am so thankful that Jesus let you feel the depths of what was in my heart as I wrote with (and to) Him. He truly is the “greater reality” always by our side in this path we walk. May we follow Him when He calls to us! Blessings, love and hugs to you Dear Sister!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Your poem is so good Bettie and I have felt some of the words you wrote……….I could feel your pain yet hope. The photo of the steps really moved me………the snow is so white and untouched, just like God sees our soul through our forgiveness in Jesus.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Wendi,
      I’m sorry that somehow I missed your comment and just saw it today! I am so thankful these words touched you here today. God is so good to allow us to share our lives with each other. My husband actually took this photo for me, and it does speak such beauty doesn’t it? I love how you shared about that whiteness is the way God sees our soul through our forgiveness in Jesus. Blessings and Love to you!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Lisa,
      Oh I am so thankful that the Lord brought a blessing to you here today. He is truly our only answer, calling us to Himself. May you be blessed tonight!


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