The Miracle of Mystery

The miracles rise

Ever slowly to our eyes

Hidden comes alive




Resurrection Morn

Sunrise filters glowingly

Life has burst its chains






You may remember my post from last month, where I wondered about a mystery Amaryllis, given to me many years ago, and how it had never bloomed, despite my best efforts to coddle it along and treat it with all the proper garden care.  This winter, when one RAflare after another had hit me, I knew that I could no longer treat that little bulb with all of my best strengths. It had to muddle along, spending its days in the dark closet, and barely being given water once I managed to pull it out into the sunshine later than normal.


But during the week of my largest medication failure, while my family was visiting with us, my granddaughter volunteered to take a photo for me of what had happened during my own lack of strength. I couldn’t get downstairs to see for myself, so she took my camera and returned with that image of the strong young bud in the photo collage above. My husband carried the plant upstairs to our sunny living room, and I watched the miracle of mystery unfold before my eyes.  The bud began to burst its shell on Good Friday Morning, and came into fullness on Resurrection Morning.


I had longed for that bulb to bloom for over five years, but God’s timing for the bloom remained a mystery to me, until HE said “NOW! Come alive, and show the glory of My creation!”  It was never about my own strengths and abilities. No, the waiting for that bloom held a precious parallel for me in these days of my own waiting.


While I long for the instant release, and the magnificent show of the NOW in my own way, my Master Gardener of my soul says “Wait, the trial is not yet complete.”  He continues the miracle of the hidden and the unseen in my heart, stitching together the purifying and the growing in ways that only He can fulfill.


In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy,” 1 Peter 1:6-8 NIV


Are you in a season of waiting?

Do you feel like your miracle has passed you by?


I invite you to come along and listen to Episode 2 of the #TreasuresInTheSands podcast I share with my dear friend, Anna Smit, where today we talk about the hidden and unseen work that our Lord accomplishes in our heart. He is always with us, always in the process of transforming our hearts to bring forth the true miracle: the beauty of our Lord Jesus, the risen Christ:

Treasures from the Sands — Episode 2 Pure Gold





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16 thoughts on “The Miracle of Mystery

  1. God is amazing. I love the photo of your plant. What beauty He provides for us! Even at times of our weakness, He continues to send us blessings with His creations. Have a blessed week! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Dear Lisa,
      Yes, His timing is always so right. And you are right, sometimes it feels so very opposite of what we think it should be. But He does take such good care of us. I am praying for you so much this week my Sweet RASister in Jesus across the sea. May He hold you through these days of trial, and bless you with strength beyond measure.


    1. Dear Julie,
      Thank you for your precious prayer: for life to rise from the pain. I love those thoughts! Our risen Lord is such a precious Savior to us, finding ways to show us His love in so many hidden places. Blessings and love to you!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. God’s timing is incredible. Wow! Thank you for sharing this story of hope, even in what seems to be darkest night. Your encouragement in the Lord is always a welcome ray of Sonlight into my soul. May God bless and use your faith, your words and your life for His glory and His people! Blessings and love!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Melissa, yes, isn’t our God so amazing? He knows just when to show us HIS great power and beauty. I am so grateful for your precious prayers and encouragement also, Dear Friend! Love and Blessings for you too!

      Liked by 1 person

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