Praying: Our Savior Teaches Us How to Pray


When we truly face the shape of our hearts, we can be overwhelmed by the lack that we feel. Sinful, weak, and weary are thoughts that easily come to mind as we carry such weights from our days. But we have a Father who loved us so deeply that He sent His Son to be our Savior in those weakest places.

Our Savior felt every weakness we have ever faced, and took them all to the cross for us. In His Resurrection power, He longs to save us and carry us close to His Father’s heart.

What if we pause today and speak out the words that Jesus gave to us? His Words are waiting for us on these days when we have none of our own.

He has taught us to pray.


Dear Lord Jesus,

Thank You for teaching us how to pray:

“Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name,

   your kingdom come,

your will be done,

    on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

 And forgive us our debts,

    as we also have forgiven our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation,

    but deliver us from the evil one.”  Matthew 6:9-13

Thank You for showing us that we can lift up each need in our lives to You, and You will hear us, Lord. We admit that on some days our needs feel too heavy and too many to even be voiced. Help us to lay them before you, and to receive Your daily bread. Thank You that Your Kingdom will come, and Your perfect will be done in our lives. Help us to trust You, our Holy Lord.

In Your name we pray,



Are you feeling the pain of this month weighing heavy on you? Join me at the Chronic Joy Ministry site, where we are sharing four prayers again this month: One prayer for every week. Allow the words and prayers that our Lord spoke for us to become a prompt on those days when our own words have failed.

Click here to join me for the remainder of this month’s prayers.

And while you are at the website, why not stop at the PrayerPond and leave a prayer request? Chronic Illness can feel so isolating, especially during these days of #quarantine. But we are all included at the Prayer Pond. Every time you pray for a request, click the “I prayed for this” button, and the person who requested prayer will be notified via email that someone just prayed for them.

Every life, every prayer, every breath is heard by our Father.

I am linking with: #TellHisStory #GraceandTruth

31 thoughts on “Praying: Our Savior Teaches Us How to Pray

    1. Oh dear friend, prayer is sweetness that nourishes our soul. What are we to do if the Lord had not modelled it to us. I’m grateful for precious moments when the Lord hears our heart whispers.
      Stand strong sister… friend, one glorious day we will be on the other side of the side of the shore singing praises.
      Wrapping you with hugs😊

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Oh yes, dear Ifeoma! I so long for that day when we will all be together with Him. Until then, our hearts will go on singing, and praying to Him. Thank you for your precious prayers. I’m sending hugs and love and prayers for you too!


  1. Thank you for this beautiful hope offering, Bettie! It really refreshes my weary soul. Your comforting words, prayer, and the song. All of it. How precious it is that “we have a Father who loved us so deeply that He sent His Son to be our Savior in those weakest places.” When I read in your prayer how sometimes our needs seem too heavy to voice, I thought of the One who knows our deepest heart needs so well, the Spirit Himself who makes intercession for us with groanings which can’t be uttered. May you have a comforting and joyful Easter both in body and spirit! ❤️🌈

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    1. Dear Trudy,
      I am so thankful that you found refreshing here today. He really is that Savior who brings such refreshing to our weary souls, isn’t He? You are so right, that “the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which can’t be uttered.” Thank you for reminding us of that beautiful promise. Especially in these days, we need His Spirit guarding and interceding for us so much. I pray that you will have a comforting and joyful Easter too my friend! Blessings, love, and hugs to you! xoxo

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  2. Bettie, thanks for this post. You know, in times of crisis it is always good to go right to the basics of what we know. When you’re hurting it’s hard to pray but you can draw on the model the Lord gave us, the Lord’s prayer. It covers everything!

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    1. Dear Jerralea,
      Yes, you are so right–God has given us such a firm foundation of the basics to lean on when everything else is shaking around us. I am so glad that His model is such a comfort for us! Thank you sharing for your encouraging comments here. May you have a Blessed Holy Week!


  3. Good afternoon, Bettie, as our God calls us back into His presence, the Lord’s prayer … how He taught us … is a powerful way to enter in. Thank you sister for this post and for all the work unto His Kingdom. Love, Julie

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    1. Dear Julie,
      Thank you for all of your encouragement to enter into His Presence. Truly He is calling us to lean on Him, and to rest in HIs own powerful words for us. May you be so blessed this Holy Week my dear sister. Love you!

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    1. Dear Lisa,
      Yes, you are so right that our Lord’s Prayer never grows old. I have found that to be so true too! Thank you for your encouragement. May you be blessed this Holy Week!


    1. Amen, Dear Lynn! Thank you for your beautiful comments here! God has actually been calling me back to my nightly silent/breath prayers also. Truly He does hear and listen! Thank you for the sweet confirmation! Happy Easter to you also!


  4. Oh, wow, it took me a little while to recognize the singer as the lady who is on the 700 club. How neat! A few years ago, my family and I started praying the Lord’s prayer together, along with the prayer of Jabez. It is amazing how God has used those two prayers to bless us. He is so faithful! Thank you for another beautiful post, dear friend.

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    1. Dear Cheryl,
      Yes, that song is an old one from the early 90s. A dear friend lent me her tape with this song on it, and I practically wore out the tape I listened to it so much. Isn’t it such a gift to be able to pray for and with each other? And how beautiful to pray with our families. His own Words become such a precious echo and anchor for our hearts. Thank you for all of your encouragement and prayers, Sweet Sister! I pray that you have a Blessed Easter with your family!


  5. Oh, Bettie, this is so timely and needful! It’s often hard to know how to pray when calamity hits especially when it impacts the whole world. We’re all interlinked and more inextricably connected than we might know, particularly as the Body of Christ. It’s a beautiful gift and grace to know we can pray for one another’s needs, and be a great means of blessing, uplifting and strengthening as God answers our heart utterances and those we can barely find words for.
    And it’s a huge benefit to be able to encourage and remind each other of the Lord’s tremendous love for us, His daily care, compassion and ability to give us exactly what we need to stay faithful and strong in Him. I’m so thankful for your prayers, dear friend, both here and privately. You are a loving conduit of grace to so many because you have such a giving, compassionate, praying heart. May you be comforted to know you are surrounded by love yourself and prayers are constantly going up on your behalf. May resurrection life, joy and restoration be the hallmarks of the days ahead in body and soul. Happy Easter to you! Much love, blessing and hugs! xoxo

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    1. Dear Joy,
      Oh, you are so right that, “We’re all interlinked and more inextricably connected than we might know, particularly as the Body of Christ.” What a blessing to think about the ways that He joins our prayers, across the miles and seas, to unite our hearts with Him. I am so grateful to know that you are praying also, my dear friend. We can feel so isolated in this chronic illness journey, but now even more as we face so many fears in this pandemic. What a precious gift to share His words with each other. Your words have so often jolted me out of my own place of feeling locked in to a prison of pain. Those words of understanding and sharing have helped me to see the beauty of a moment where His light shines in. He brings such comfort then through your thoughts and prayers! Thank you sweet friend! I pray that you will be blessed with His restoration and joy this Easter weekend. Happy Resurrection Day to you and your dear husband! Much love, blessings, and long-distance hugs! xoxo

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      1. Dear Bettie, it’s such a gift that God has united our hearts and lives across the pond. Your sweet soul companionship has had the same wonderful benefits for me too. May we both seek to dwell more profoundly in the moment and appreciate all the beauty that exists within the hard if we have eyes and receptive hearts enough to see it. Restoration is a challenging, ongoing process for a stubborn old wreck like me, but maybe God will hasten the process as I surrender more and yield! xoxo 😉💜

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  6. We have such an amazing Father who loves us more than we can imagine. He even taught us how to pray when we cannot form the words on our own. Thank you for leading us in prayer today. May you find joy in the Risen Savior this Easter.

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    1. Dear Mary,
      Yes, I don’t think I will be able to grasp how deep that love really goes, until I finally stand before Him. Oh, but what precious comfort He brings to us. And I am so glad that He gave us such precious words to offer in prayer. Thank you for your blessings and encouragement too! Happy Resurrection Day to you!

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