Spring Breath

This is the time of year when my hopes get the best of me. A sunny day suddenly appears, and all thoughts of snow and winter are far behind. Even if the temperature is all over the place, it’s the first day of Spring, after all!

Do you see springtime in the blue sky also?

This week when my husband and I drove over to our favorite spot by the lake, I needed to feel the breeze on my face. So my ever-present winter hat came off for a minute, and the scene before me called out the spring in my heart: 

Wisp of Sky

The sky breeze calls soft

Fluffy streak of vapor float

Wisp and blow aloft


My mind can feel like the fluff of vapor, flitting and floating to places not planned by me.  But maybe the floating has a purpose. What if there are new thoughts that God wants to birth in me? What if springtime is meant to come to my heart?



Life Calls

Spring breeze awaken

Blow over cold barren land

Stir my heart to live 


“This is what God the Lord says—
the Creator of the heavens, who stretches them out,
    who spreads out the earth with all that springs from it,
    who gives breath to its people,
    and life to those who walk on it
My days are not aimlessly floating, without purpose, this I know. His plans for me are moving along in a timing set by Him. He breathes His Life into me,
and He will breathe new life into
if you can look up to the sky
and see His Love written there.
These words were written in response to the #Haiku #Poetry prompt over at Ronovan Hester’s site
where the words this week are “Breeze&Blow.”
Won’t you visit and find so many great poems there? 

I am linking this week with: 
 Meg Weyerbacher, #TeaAndWordTuesday

Jennifer Dukes Lee: #TellHIsStory 

22 thoughts on “Spring Breath

  1. Thank you for this hope-filled encouragement, Bettie. When I read about looking to the sky and seeing His love written there, I looked out the window at the sky. Puffy clouds are slowly moving confirming to my heart just as your words – “His plans for me are moving along in a timing set by Him.” My heart faints so easily and I don't always look up, but even then He is moving me along in His timing.

    I'm so glad you could go to your spot by the lake. I love your pics. Soon that spring breeze will awaken and bring that barren ground to life. I felt something of that life when twice I saw a robin drinking from our birdbath this morning. 🙂 Spring WILL come! Love and hugs to you!


  2. Dear Bettie, I can definitely relate to this: “My mind can feel like the fluff of vapor, flitting and floating to places not planned by me”, and it's heartening to think all that floating and fuzziness may have a purpose!
    I love your haiku and the beautiful images too. You have a real gift of bringing peace and hope through your words. These ones are for me to carry through this week:

    “He will breathe new life into
    if you can look up to the sky
    and see His Love written there”

    Amen! Thank you for this beautiful reminder in a season when feeling weak, weary and lifeless is often the predominant emotion. Blessings, love and grateful hugs to you! xoxo


  3. Dear Trudy,
    Oh, how beautiful that God would send you His encouragement and those slow moving clouds at just the right time! Isn't He so good to keep moving us along? And I love it that the robin came to drink at your birdbath this morning too! We've had a single robin eating dried berries off of a tree for several days, but no sign of the flocks yet. You are right though, spring will come, and they will come along with it! Love and hugs to you Dear Friend!


  4. Dear Joy,
    Oh I am so grateful that you found a measure of peace and hope here this week! Especially since I pray so often for you that God would find ways to bring encouragement to you! His ways are beyond my tracing out when I think of how He brought these paths of ours to intersect at just this time. When I saw that beautiful sky this weekend, I did think of you, and the “wonder-moment” that we have been asking the Lord to show us. May He continue to speak HIS wonder into our weak and flitting thoughts! Blessings, love, and hugs to you too, my friend! xoxo


  5. The spring breeze is such a lovely image for the breath of God, moving in our life by His Spirit, directing us, refreshing us. Always inspired by a visit to your place, Bettie!


  6. Thank you, Michele! It's still chilly here, but I can feel that spring breeze trying to make it's way through. And what a gift from God, to move in us by “His Spirit, directing, refreshing us.” Amen! Blessings to you! (And I am finding myself missing our dear Orual, how about you?)


  7. I like both of your haiku, but the second one really speaks to me. I want the breeze of God's love and mercy to blow over me, to refresh me and inspire me to live fully using the talents He has given.

    Thank you for your beautiful poems and your inspiring words.

    Blessings to you, dear friend and fellow poet! xoxo


  8. Thank you, Gayl! I value your words and encouragement so much. And, yes what a wonderful longing to be inspired “to live fully using the talents He has given.” You are such a great motivator! Bless you my dear sister/poet/friend! xoxo


  9. Hi Betty,
    I'm so glad you feel spring's early stirring breezes and know that it's on its way to you! Just knowing new life awaits in us and all of nature keeps us looking upward and forward, doesn't it? Hoping you feel warm and sunny soon! xo


  10. Dear Valerie,
    Oh, yes, that hope for the new is such a gift to keep us looking “upward and forward!” It looks like we have one more day of the chilly weather, and then a warm-up is on the way. Yay! Glad to have you back, I missed you during your trip! xoxo


  11. Today, I got out in the perennial garden and began tearing out last year's dried woody stalks and pulling out some anxious dandelion weeds. The sun was warm. The air still. The temps mild. Living in the present – tomorrow it could snow for all I know but today was GOOD. xo


  12. Stir my heart to live!! Yes this is me too Bettie. I love snow and mountain-like weather…..for a season. Then my soul and skin long for warmth. We too have enjoyed the past couple of springish days. I hope it has come to stay!!


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