Day 13: Do you hear the Shaking?

Shaking out the rugs . . .

Is that even a thing anymore?

It was one of the few chores that I actually looked forward to as a child: another way to get outside and catch the breeze! My Mom would pile up all the rugs in the house before she ran the “sweeper,” as we called our vacuum in Small Town Indiana. And my job was to stand on the porch and shake all the dust out of those old throw rugs. Sometimes I got so caught up in watching the sky, or listening for the birds that the rugs were a little too well shaken out.

I think I know how those rugs might have felt. 

There are days when I look skyward now,

and I am the one 

being shaken and tossed.

And I find myself asking my Lord if this shaking

isn’t just a little TOO WELL done?

 But if I let myself listen, with ears that are open,

I hear his response:

And, OH! how I want to believe Him.

But . . . 

This world feels just a little too unsafe,

the hatred all around feels too heavy to bear,

and the shaking of this globe where my feet are planted

seems to worsen by the moment.

And my own days?

Well too much shaking is just too much! I say.



But my heart has been pierced by His Word yet again,

and in listening to the very next passage,

my thoughts are filled with HOPE:

The media will tell you that we are bound for 

destruction: a highway to nowhere.

 But God would speak to us that the SHAKING is not 

the final word.

 AFTER the shaking, comes the promise of His Love,

and the Hope for a city rebuilt for


Are you being tossed by the shaking also?

Open your eyes, and hear with your ears,

because there is a 

Love Song

being played just for you, right here,

under the sound of this shaking world,

Where the Love of Your Lord can NEVER be shaken.

This is Day 13 for the #Write31Days Challenge.

Thank you for coming along for 

#31Days of Listening with Chronic Illness


7 thoughts on “Day 13: Do you hear the Shaking?

  1. Oh how timely this is, Bettie! Yes, I am feeling very shaken indeed at the moment. It feels as if the enemy is having a field day with me – tossing me about like a rag doll as I loll helplessly from his snarling, jagged-teeth, saliva-ridden mouth. And at times like this it's not hard to believe we are living in a world being shaken to its very core. The harder part is being calm and reassured by knowing the Lion of Judah lives on the inside of us and His roar will eventually set all things to rights.
    Thankfully, we belong to a Kingdom that cannot be shaken, and have a Saviour who accompanies us through everything! Blessed by your insights here, sweet friend. Each post excites me more and more! God is truly speaking through your careful listening. Thank you. xox ❤


  2. Dear Joy, Oh how well I recognize that snarling dragon of an enemy! It seems that I am so QUICKLY given in to dreariness at his snarls! But you are so right that we must hold onto our knowing that “the Lion of Judah lives on the inside of us and His roar will eventually set all things to rights. ” So thankful that the Lord was speaking to us both today! May He surround you with those gifts of Wonder and Joy that we are watching for! xoxo


  3. Oh Bettie…this is just what my heart needed to hear today. My shaking has nothing to do with the state of the world/politics, but more to do with a tearing at my heart, as I sense God drawing me back to my past, to all the ways my world was shaken as a kid with one move after the next…into adulthood. I realized for the first time that a big reason I fled God is because I never felt I belonged – anywhere. And I've felt God inviting me to open that to Him, to allow Him to bring wholeness where loss resides…but I've struggled to. So, Isaiah 54: 11 – 13 read as a balm just now. I know He takes us back for a reason…and you have reminded me so powerfully of His promise for good in all of this.


  4. Dear Anna, Oh I am so thankful that the Lord is speaking more of His healing to you. Even though it is so hard when He asks us to walk through the pain and the shaking, I am glad He doesn't ask us to walk alone. And what precious promises that He brings to us through His Word. I have been so blessed by your book, and by the way that Jesus moved you step by step through those healing moments. Isn't He so good to us, to keep taking us deeper into His heart? May He bring you deep Love from His heart.


  5. This is a God-send for me today, Bettie. I feel so shaken and tossed. This seems so trivial compared to your troubles that I debated whether to write this… But I just got word from my doctor that my blood sugar level is getting too high, to a level where I need to take medication. Probably caused by long-term prednisone, the only thing that keeps my sarcoidosis under control. I got so downhearted as I don't want to add yet another med to my long list. Another cost. 😦 And that makes me so discouraged. I read Psalm 91, and God promised me He still has me under the shadow of His wings. Now reading your post, my heart is starting to settle down some more. He is still with us. His unfailing love for us will never shaken. Tears are pooling in my eyes at this amazing truth. Thank you so very much, Bettie. You are still in my heart and prayers concerning your biopsy and other troubles. Hugs!


  6. Dear Trudy, Oh please don't feel that your health issues are trivial! I believe that every stress our bodies have to deal with is a difficulty, and diabetes is not an easy thing to face. I sure understand the hesitancy to start another med–especially after having been on prednisone myself, I know it's a roller coaster sometimes! I am so thankful that the Lord spoke to you, that you are under the shadow of His wings. How true and how precious! I will continue to keep you in my prayers, dear friend. What a blessing that God would let our paths come together during this time when we both need His help! I appreciate your prayers so much! –Hugs!!


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