52 Commands of Jesus for Children


(In exchange for my review, the author provided this book. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”  All opinions are purely my own)

“Jesus, undeterred, went right ahead and gave his charge: ‘God authorized and commanded me to commission you: Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I’ll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age.’”  Matthew 28:18-20 MSG

On the same day that my daughter asked me for some good ideas on how to train up her two-year old son in the knowledge of Jesus, my friend Susan Chamberlain Shipe sent out an invitation to join the launch team for her newly published family devotional.   

Isn’t that just like God?  
Doesn’t He always find a way to show us that He is with us, day after day?
And so, this blogpost is being shared with my daughter today! After I read over the book, and gathered my own thoughts for my review, I sent the book home with her.  Listen to her thoughts on how the book has impacted her family already:
“This book is very well written for older children, although my 2 year old son enjoys coloring the pages while I paraphrase the stories for him. I am blessed to see a new devotional for children as I am always looking for something for my son and I to work on together. I think it is so important to instill the foundations of God’s word as soon as possible in our kids! Each lesson is set up in a one or two page format with easy reading, and good questions to ask kids. It also inspires different activities to do with children to apply God’s word to everyday life.”

(I admit I have a little Grandma-Bias, but isn’t that just the cutest picture ever?)

You can even find additional coloring pages to download, if you
click here and go to Susan’s website.

I so appreciated the way that Susan combined each of the commands that Jesus spoke, with a character trait for your children to grow in.  Without practical applications, it becomes easy to quickly read the words of Jesus and promptly forget everything you just heard!

In the chapter titled “Let Your Light Shine,” the character trait connected is “Generosity.”  And the discussion questions call for ideas and ways to be generous with others as we let the Light of Jesus shine on those around us.  I loved Susan’s approach to define the word generosity here:

“Do you know what it means to be generous? It means to give or share, unselfishly. So in this Scripture Jesus is teaching us to SHARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD, and the Light of the world is JESUS! When we ask Jesus into our heart and our life, he puts his “Light” inside of us and he wants us to share that Light with others–our friends and our family. He tells us not to hide him but to let him shine through us.”
When I saw the character trait paired up with Jesus’ command to “Love Your Enemies,” I was at first glance taken aback.  How could the character trait of “Creativity” combine with that command?  But, as I read the definition, I knew the Lord had inspired Susan to look deep into His heart of Love for these words:
“Being nice to someone mean doesn’t make you a true child of God. To be a true child of God means a real change in your heart. When we are nice to unlikeable people we are showing the world that we ARE indeed God’s children. Think of creative ways to be nice to not-so-nice people. Maybe you have a grouchy neighbor – ask Mom and Dad if you can bring them some cookies or a piece of cake to show them that you care about them.”

As a Grandma, a former Homeschooling Mom, and a past Children’s Church Director I can highly recommend this book for families who are seeking to guide their children into a love of God’s Word. I learned new ways to be more like Jesus as I read 52 Commands of Jesus for Children. You can find it here at Amazon.

But here’s a really exciting invitation: Susan has generously offered to provide a book through a give-away here! To enter the give-away, all you have to do is leave a comment below, on my Facebook page, or on my Instagram account, telling me to “count you in” for the giveaway. I am so excited to be able to offer this book to another family.  I will draw the winning name and announce it on my post next week, so be sure to check back in here!

I am linking this week with:
Meg Weyerbacher, #TeaAndWordTuesday 
Barbie Swihart, #Glimpsesofhisbeauty 
Debbie Kitterman, #TuneInThursday 

14 thoughts on “52 Commands of Jesus for Children

  1. Dear Susan,
    Thank you so much for sharing the words that God put on your heart through this book! I was so blessed to be part of the launch team. And, yes, it will be great to watch how God uses those devotions over the years ahead! Blessings to you!


  2. Bettie, such a nice review. I didn't join the launch team because I'm so behind in reading and reviewing books from past launches. 😦 I need a plan to work through them so I can finish. Susan's book sounds so lovely for parent and child alike. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

    Love and hugs and blessings to you, my sweet friend! xo


  3. Dear Gayl,
    Oh, yes, I understand about having to sort through the available time and strength for activities. I have had to step back also. I am just so thankful that my daughter was able to participate in this review with me. I know that you are helping your family in transition now also! Those Grandchildren hold such dear places in our hearts don't they? May you be blessed too my friend! Love and Hugs to you! xo


  4. Yes, Karen, it's such a great resource to have on hand for those little ones. What a joy to share God's Word with the next generation! Blessings to you!


  5. Oh, wow! That IS just like God to have you get this invite the same day your daughter needed advice! Wow! He is SO faithful. Thank you for introducing us to this lovely book, sweet friend. 🙂


  6. I've been hearing about Susan's book around the blogosphere. How great that you were able to share it with your daughter and your adorable grandson. It's never too early to begin planting those seeds of Jesus' love. Hugs, Bettie.


  7. Hi Tiffany,
    Yes, Susan's latest book is such a great resource for families. It stirs up great thoughts and questions about Jesus, no matter the age! Blessings and Hugs to you!


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