A Remnant of Weeds

“What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson

Four years ago this spring, I had just tipped my feet into the waters of blogging. I had just begun to accept this journey with chronic illness, and I was just starting down the road of letting my garden speak to me, instead of directing what I thought that garden should say.

And I wrote a post, (read it here,) telling how I felt my heart awakening to God’s calling forth a remnant of life in my soul that had long lay hidden. I didn’t know what that remnant was, only that I felt a stirring. I had just devoured a book by my dear friend, Joy Lenton, filled with poems (Find her book, Seeking Solace here.) In the post I quoted her poem titled “Awakening.” It was an apt word, as something was being awakened in the depth of my heart.

In this current season, when my dear friend Anna sent me a beautiful card with photos of an abundant garden I felt another awakening as I heard Him calling me forward again . . .

The Remnant Calls

Asleep, awake
The heart still beats

But lately I have 

Dropping, dropping
I've felt life ebbing

When a pulse
becomes a whisper

What is awakened

Is a heart more than

Is a life more than
the body?

Awake, asleep
The heart goes on beating

But if it stops?
A remnant remains

And the remnant still calls
from out of the mist

This life is for more
than beating and breath

Spirit awaken
Love overwhelm

Awake, Asleep
My heart is for love.

The weeds in my garden have overwhelmed the neat, tidy beds that I worked for years to create and maintain. I’ve agonized and pondered those weeds. But no solution has ever arisen to my thoughts. And then while reading a book about a garden of healing created by cancer survivor, Deborah Marqui, From the Fire into the Garden, a quote suddenly reached into my heart:

“What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Could it be that my Great Master Gardener, the Lord of my Heart, had intended for me to see something so differently in this awakening-of-my-soul place of living? A bed full of what I called weeds in the past season of life suddenly sprang into beauty this year:

This vividly glowing stand of wildflowers is commonly called Purple Deadnettle. It only grew up into this healthy clump as my weeding days have become almost non-existent. But God knew what He wanted to speak to me through this garden’s blooming.

And my questions are lifting Heavenward today. Are there more plants around me in which He would reveal a beauty unbeknownst to me? Only He can determine the good seeds from among the weeds.

Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.

“The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’

“‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.

“The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?“

“No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’” Matthew 13:24-30 NIV

This week I am scheduled to begin the process for a Nerve Ablation (high frequency radio waves to essentially burn off the end of the offending pinched Occipital Nerve in my head) by getting an MRI. The whole process will take more than a month, by time the trial-runs have finished in preparation for the actual procedure in late June. And next week I am scheduled to begin the process of re-starting my Rheumatoid Arthritis infusions, again a process that will take more than 6 weeks to hopefully kick-start my body’s reception of a medication. In the meantime, I am still dealing with the additional symptoms of P.O.T.S-like dizziness and erratic blood pressure, with confusion and uncertainty.

Is there a beauty in my garden of soul-plants that in the past I would have labeled as only weeds? My heart has felt such a call to prayer these last several weeks. Our world seems to be reeling under the weight of so many weeds. So many of my loved ones are facing confusing and heavy days of testing.

Could it be that our Soul-Gardener is grooming and tending an awakening that is blooming even in this place of confusion and overgrown weeds?

I pray that my heart will be ready.

Could it be that the Great Soul-Gardener is asking you to look at the plants in your life? What if He is preparing a new sort of blooming for you?

Would you pray with me today?

Dear Lord,

Thank You for being such a tender Master Gardener of our souls. We are so amazed by the ways that You speak to our hearts through the plants and gardens around us. Would You help us to open our hearts to see Your beauty in places we may not have looked before? Forgive us for pulling out weeds without pausing to look at the true beauty of nature’s seeds. And forgive us for doubting You, and trying to pull out weeds in our souls that You have meant to remain for a blossoming of Your true seeds. We bow before You now and acknowledge that we want Your planting, Your grooming, and Your growing in our lives. Prepare our hearts to receive Your growth in this new season today. We love You our dear Lord.

In Your name, Jesus, we pray,


I am linking with: #TellHisStory #LegacyLinkUp #GraceandTruth

33 thoughts on “A Remnant of Weeds

  1. I’m writing my response on my phone. Your post is again so deep and multifaceted. Your “weeds” reminded me of 1983, the week after my mother’s book manuscript was done. We lived in Helsinki. I had never seen such a lot of dandelions. They grew everywhere. In Swedish they are called “maskros.” Translated literally: “worm rose.” My mun always felt she was worthless – a worm. Her story proves she was a rose. The dandelions taught me many lessons that year. Like your weeds. Some day I’ll share more. Praying for all the treatments you are facing! Much love ❤

    Den tis 12 maj 2020 19:37BettieGsRAseasons skrev:

    > Bettie G posted: ” “What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet > been discovered.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson Four years ago this spring, I had > just tipped my feet into the waters of blogging. I had just begun to accept > this journey with chronic illness, a” >

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Lisa,
      Oh, what a sweet gift the Lord sent to you right after finishing your Mom’s book! And then, to find that local name for the dandelion in such a precious connection to your Mum. Only God could plan such a blooming at just that time and place for you. His lessons and His gifts are so perfect. Thank you for all your prayers, and for all of your sharing. You have brought such encouragement to me! Love and blessings to you!! xoxo


    1. Dear Cheryl,
      Oh, I thank you for your prayers and sweet comments, dear friend. I am praying for the Lord to bring such blessings to you as you go forward with the new blooming He is bringing to you and your book! Love & Hugs!


    1. Oh yes, Lorraine! I just left you a comment there. Our Lord is so good to us, in ways that are so different than we would look on our own. Thank you for the understanding and love that you share, dear friend!


  2. Good afternoon dear sister, I love your object lesson. I can see the beauty in the weeds you showed us. I can hear Our Tender Savior whispering about remnants and beauty to be awakened. There is always an abundance from Him when we see scant or not enough. Praying through this week for your MRI. I will follow up with you. Love, Julie

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Julie,
      Our Savior is so sweet to whisper our hearts awake, isn’t He? His beauty is so much higher than we could ever find on our own. I am so thankful that He keeps calling us to Himself. Thank you so much for all of your prayers, dear sister! Blessings and prayers for you also this week.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s funny; I’ve often thought that deadnettle is pretty. 🙂 Who determines whether something is a weed or a flower-bed-worthy flower? Maybe it’s all in the eyes of the beholder. I’m so glad that God sent you to the blogging world 4 years ago. You’ve brought many beautiful blooms here. I’m praying that your upcoming tests and processes will bring you pain relief.

    Listening to the song now; it’s new to me. Lovely!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Lisa,
      You are so right! Who determines what kind of bloom is flower-bed-worthy anyway? 🙂 I’ve always loved wildflowers, but I am gaining a much deeper appreciation now. Thank you for all of the encouragement that you have shared here, dear friend. I appreciate your prayers so much. I’m so glad the song is a blessing to you also!


    1. Amen! And I loved the thoughts that you shared in your devotional. It was such a precious year reading that. Those weeds surprise us sometimes! Love you Dear Sister! xoxo


  4. How odd this would come up now as my ladies Bible study group was discussing God doing new things in our life. We discussed this after the pastor’s wife gave a sermon about watching for what new things God is doing in this season. She quoted my favorite verse Isaiah 43-18-19. It’s weird that is my favorite verse because I don’t like new things. I like the same. I don’t like change. Yet God seems to be changing a lot for me and telling me to look ahead and not back. Not back at old ways that worked, at old relationships or old failures but ahead to things I thought were weeds in my garden but might actually be something blooming.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. OhI love it when God confirms His Word like that! Thank you so much for sharing this, Lisa. Those verses are some of my favorites also. It’s funny because I have always said that I like variety and change, but when it comes down to it, I have realized how much I don’t like change though, either! God is so good to speak HIS words over our lives, and keep us looking upward for His ways. I am glad we can pray for each other in these places of different kinds of bloomings!

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  5. Yes, who determines what plants are weeds? We can often have things upside down to how God wants us to see them, can’t we? Praying with you and for you, Bettie! May you be feeling the Master’s tender touch right now.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh thank you, Lynn, for your thoughts and prayers here. Your words came at just the right time, when I needed them so much tonight. God truly is so topsy-turvy from what we expect! But He is so very good.


  6. Dear Bettie, this is such a beautiful, hopeful post. I love your poem! Our hearts are definitely made for and shaped by God’s Love. And what we consider to be weeds growing in the garden of our souls or in our circumstances often turn out to be the very things God uses to teach and grow us. After all, weeds are only flowers growing in the “wrong places” because they don’t look as flashy, beautiful or well contained as the other flowers, so we uproot them if possible. But what they do reveal is a tenacity to flourish that is both frustrating and breathtaking. Maybe those of us (especially when weakened and depleted by chronic illness) who think of ourselves as weeds compared to most, can emulate this strength of character and ability to bounce back in the face of challenges, as we seek to flourish where we’ve been planted, by the grace of God. Oh may you know just how treasured, precious and loved you are as you surrender and succumb to further gruelling treatment. May our prayers and love reach out and wrap you around like a comfort blanket holding you safe and secure during each hospital visit to come. PS: I’m honoured by the mention, thank you, dear friend! xoxo ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Joy,
      Thank you for your beautiful comments here. OH, how I pray that God is developing in me His own strength of character through these challenges and treatments. They do feel like weeds some days, but His tenacity and endurance is such a gift that those weeds exemplify. I appreciate so much your prayers, and I will hold onto that picture of your prayers being like that comfort blanket holding me safe and secure during each visit for treatment. What a precious and sweet thought from the heart of Jesus. Thank you Dear friend. I pray that He is holding onto you during the days of your trials as well. May you be so blessed and loved by Him. And I am sending my love and hugs too! xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Once again your post captured my heart, mind and spirit, dear Bettie! Oh the weeds, the dreaded, ugly, beautiful weeds. I love how you looked for and found God’s grace among the weeds. He has given us His own beloved Son. How much more will He give us all things, the One who tends the garden of our heart more lovingly, more truthfully than any other. Planting, pruning, setting free things we could not treasure with our own eyes. Thank you for sharing your beautiful heart and writing. Always a refreshment to my soul. I am praying for you and all that is ahead. It sounds so big, but our God is bigger still. Blessings and love to you!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh Dear Melissa, thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts here. I love this, “He has given us His own beloved Son. How much more will He give us all things, the One who tends the garden of our heart more lovingly, more truthfully than any other.” I am holding onto your words here, the Scriptures that He gave you to share, as I go for the first test today. Thank you for your prayers! Our God is bigger than anything we might face. Blessings and love to you my dear friend.

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        1. Thank you so much Melissa! God knew how much I needed those prayers! I had another allergic reaction, just to the mild sedative they gave me before the MRI. I am so thankful for God’s gracious help. He truly sees what we will need. Blessings to you.


    1. Thank you so much Dear Jennifer,
      I had yet another allergic reaction, just to the mild sedative before the MRI this time. I surely needed your prayers, so I am forever grateful for all of God’s help! Blessings to you!

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  8. Thank you for the lesson of finding beauty in the weeds. Some of my favorite photos are of plants that many would consider weeds. To me they are beautiful.

    Your poem is stunning in its imagery and supplication. The Master-Gardener makes all things beautiful and He is doing that for you and me, too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Mary,
      I do so love your photos out in nature! You always capture such hidden beauty when you are taking your walks. Our Lord truly is preparing the way ahead for us, and I am so very grateful.

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