
Breathe, He said to me
As my harried soul jumped

From one thought to the next
And my carried over burdens
Jumped from now to then.
Breathe, He said to me
As His whispered breath fluttered
Onto my thoughts
And His gentle yoked peace
Filled slowly the crevices.
Breathe, He said to me
As words called from the mist
Above my raging storm
And Humbled Heart learning
Drew me longing for more.
Breathe, He said to me
As bondages strong and long fell
From around my feet
And wondrous New Naming
Joined my heart to His.
Breathe, He said to me
As heart beats slowed
Around our joined souls
And rested gentle lips
Breathed of His own Heaven.

“I will take you as my own people, and I will be your God. Then you will know that
I am the Lord your God, who brought you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians.”
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you
and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” 
Matthew 11:28-30 

In this week of more testings, and Gratefulness for good reports for my husband, my heart is finding space to breathe.

Are you finding space for breath
this summer?

How is God leading you to find rest for your soul?

Leave a comment below; I love to hear how
our Lord meets each one of us! 

 This poem began from the prompt “Deep Breath” last week from Jamie Wright Bagley. You can check out her site by clicking here.

I am linking this week with:
Meg Weyerbacher, #TeaAndWordTuesday 

16 thoughts on “Breathe

  1. So thankful to know your husband got good news, sweet friend! OH, praise God! Such a beautiful poem, as usual. So nice to visit with you tonight. God bless you!


  2. Beautiful! I find myself needing to relax and breathe. I shared in a recent blog post, this summer has been the busiest summer I've ever experienced. The long dog days of summer seem to have disappeared! I'm working on letting go of things that are busy work, saying no to some things to say yes to God things. I also need to sit back and breathe. Thank you for sharing, and reminding me to breathe!


  3. Hi Bettie,
    As always your gift of poetry to God (and us!) is so beautiful and inspiring. So grateful that you received some good reports on your husband's health and that you finding a little space to breathe this summer! Always praying for you! xo


  4. Dear Barbie,
    Oh,yes, I am finding that it is a process to learn to breathe during these stressful days! May the Lord continue to teach us! Blessings to you too!


  5. Dear Cheryl,
    What a wonderful Lord we have, who watches over us so closely! He is so worthy of our Praise, isn't He? I am always thankful for your visits here, my friend! May the Lord bless you greatly!


  6. Dear Valerie,
    I always appreciate your kindness, and your sweet prayers so much, my friend! Yes, we are so thankful for God's care for us, in so many ways! And, I know the call to “breathe” and to rest, is part of His care also. I hope you are finding some rest this summer too! xoxo


  7. Dear Robin,
    Yes, this call to find a deeper rest, and to slow our pace seems to be echoing through so many hearts this season! I am glad that Jesus knows how to help us pursue His call, and come away with Him! I will keep you in my prayers, as I too seek to hear His voice teaching me when to say “yes” and when to say “no.” Blessings to you!


  8. Dear Bettie, your post is inspiring me to just rest and breathe. I have been so busy and still more to come this week. You remind me to stop a bit and I am refreshed from reading your words. Thank you!

    Blessings to you, dear sister! xo


  9. Dear Gayl,
    I am so glad that the Lord spoke to you through these words. He knows when we need to rest and refresh, doesn't He? I am continuing to hear His voice calling me to pause, so I may be taking a short break from posting here. I will keep you in my prayers, dear sister! May we both lean into the rest that our Lord wants to give us! xoxo


  10. Dear Bettie, even when I try so hard to meditate on our Lord's goodness, a random thought will lead my mind away, and before I realize it, I'm miles away from Himt. This is such a sacred reminder to be still, breathing Him in, as I remember He is God.


  11. Dear Debbie,
    Oh, I know what you mean about those crazy thoughts of ours! I am so thankful that He continues to call us back to the place of stillness in Him! Be blessed today my friend! xoxo


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